Chosen by her for her author photograph in her recently published memoir A Daughter's Tale (2011) of her life with her father Winston Churchill up to her marriage with Christopher Soames.
The National Portrait Gallery
Recently acquired for their collection a 9th portrait by Malcolm Crowthers, of Dame Gillian Weir, concert organist, 1996
Ivo Pogorelich, pianist
Lady Mary Soames LG DBE (1922-), author. 2011
Chosen by her for her author photograph in her recently published memoir A Daughter's Tale (2011) of her life with her father Winston Churchill up to her marriage with Christopher Soames.
PORTRAITS 1980-2010
George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1991
24 sept - 31 oct 2010
seven dials club
42 earlham street covent garden
london wc2h 9la
020 7681 8217